12 Reasons Your AC Is Not Cooling Your NYC Business

hvac cooling Nyc By Muhammed Musthafa   31-12-2019

It’s frustrating when your AC is not cooling your business effectively. Especially when it’s an issue that happens intermittently or has developed slowly over time. Complaints from your employees are increasing, and you may be worried about losing business.

The tricky part is, there are many issues that can result in your air conditioner not cooling enough. Your equipment might need repair or replacement. Or maybe something in your environment that’s changed and your system is not broken at all.

Read on to learn more about the common problems you should know about, so you can take the appropriate action.

Top reasons why your AC is not cooling

There are three possible problems when your AC is not cooling enough:

  • Space and usage issues. If something in your environment increases the load on your system or keeps it from working properly, your HVAC will not cool well. Once you identify the issue, this problem is often easy to correct.
  • Equipment repair and maintenance issues. If your system is older or has not been regularly maintained, it may need fixing or tuning up to work as it should.
  • Issues with the design and/or capacity of your system. If this is why your AC is not cooling effectively, you may need some design changes or even a system replacement.

Space issues and your AC load


This problem happens all too frequently in both homes and office spaces. Furniture gets moved so that it blocks AC registers or vents. Sometimes, you close the grilles over the winter and forget to open them again when the AC is turned on for summer. Especially in office spaces, people even close or block registers intentionally. In fact, it’s one of the most common results of thermostat wars that happen when some workers are too hot and others are too cold.

This could very well turn out to be the reason your AC is not cooling, and it’s an easy fix. Take a walk around your space, and check all the vents and registers to make sure they are open and accessible. (If they are open, but your AC is not blowing cold air, check the next section for a solution.)

Do you have lots of south and west-facing windows? Sun-worshippers may prefer to leave them uncovered, but all that hot sun is adding a significant load to your AC. If your AC is not cooling enough, try installing blinds or shades that you can close during the hottest part of the day.

Sometimes it’s not the temperature but too much humidity that makes it feel like your AC is not cooling. In muggy weather, your AC might not be able to remove enough moisture from the air to make you comfortable, even if the space is at the set temperature.

That’s especially true if you have an older system. There are more sophisticated systems available in recent years that do a better job of removing humidity. Or, if you’re not quite ready for a replacement yet, you can try installing dehumidifiers.

Learn more: Is a VRF HVAC System the Right Choice for Your Business?

Everything that generates heat increases the load on your air conditioning system. So if your AC is not cooling properly, try shutting off lights, turning off electronics when not in use (like computers and copiers), and running appliances (like dishwashers and washing machines) during non-peak hours when it’s cooler. You can also replace older lighting fixtures with LED lights that produce less heat.

BONUS: These steps also save you money on your energy bills.

Are you in an older building that’s not so energy-efficient? When air leaks out through old windows, doors, and poorly insulated walls, your air conditioner may not be able to cool sufficiently to compensate.

Fixing this issue can be costly, but there are small changes that can help if your AC is not cooling well due to a drafty space. Try installing weather stripping around the doors and windows, and use window coverings that keep air from escaping.


Air flow is essential to the functioning of your air conditioning system. If your condensing unit (which is typically outdoors but may be in a mechanical room in a NYC space) is covered with leaves or debris, or surrounded by storage items, it may not have sufficient air flow to release heat. Be sure to keep your condensing unit clear if your AC is not cooling well.